Max Weber and his disruptive critique of the spirit of Western Capitalism - Christian Ethics - Fall 2020
Max Weber and his disruptive critique of the spirit of Western Capitalism Introduction - What is the “spirit of capitalism”? According to Weber, the spirit of capitalism is an ideological framework, constructed upon the concepts of Protestantism, and in particular the Protestantism of the Puritans and Calvinists who were the original European settlers of the United States. In “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” he explains how the protestant ideas of people having a “calling”, and the idea of “predestination” serve as a foundation for our modern system of Western capitalism that has been decoupled from religion and coupled with ideas of rationalism instead (Weber and Parsons, 2003). These ideas, when decoupled from religion become even more problematic, as they become resistant to theological critique. In this paper, I will discuss these ideas of the calling and predestination, and how they influence modern capitalism and our social/cultural beliefs about economics